Trendy or True

Sometimes our society has it wrong. It is always about the hippest or hottest trend. Don’t get me wrong, this chick likes to stay up to speed on things but lately I have been asking myself if it messes with my focus.

You, see sometimes we get so caught up in who is trendy and what is cool that we lose sight of where we are, who we are, and what we are to be doing. One of my most steadfast life principles is staying obedient to what I am called to do and who I am called to be.

It is sometimes easy to allow myself to lose focus of what I am supposed to be doing because I am distracted by what someone else is doing.

I don’t want to follow the hottest trend if that means sacrificing the very things that are deep down in my guts. I want to always be true to me, to what I love, and to what I feel called to do with my life.

So ask yourself, are you about the trend or are you about the truth? Are you about doing what YOU are called to do or are you more about staying relevant with what others are doing? This is a simple principle to reflect on each and every day of our lives. My encouragement to you is to continually ask yourself the following: trendy or true? Then continually ask for a fresh perspective of what to focus on.