I have the opportunity of being involved in leadership development at my church and in the lives of the individuals I see on a daily basis. When watching people pursue something they are destined to do, it is inevitable that they will play the comparison game at one time or another.
Unfortunately comparison is bred by our society because of the way we are taught to always be looking at what someone else is doing, what someone else has, or what opportunities have presented themselves for another person. Unfortunately this causes many individuals to become distracted and get their own lives off course as a result of comparing where they are to where another individual may be on the journey.
I would love to say that because I have seen this in others that I have become immune to this in my own life but this is definitely not true. In academia comparison is king. It is very difficult to hear about a colleagues endeavor without feeling the need to go out and duplicate the exact path or pattern in order to achieve the same results (or better if you are lucky). I remember feeling such anxiety about my research and interests; even though these are things that I was never meant to pursue.
It all boils down to a phrase I like to refer to as “Can vs. Called”. There are many things that we CAN do, but very few things that we are CALLED to do. I could have convinced myself that because I have two advanced degrees that I would love research and conduct it readily in my daily life. I could have been caught up in the comparison game and done all that I could to make my life mirror the lives of those in my classes.
I CAN do that, but am definitely not CALLED to do it. Many people are wandering through life with a large list of CANS but very few CALLED’S. Is what you are aspiring to a CAN or a CALLED? Are you working to gain something because someone else has it, is doing it, or has excelled in that area? Are you only aspiring to the things that you know are specifically for you?
I encourage you to ask yourself these questions and be brutally honest. If you are leaning on the side of CAN ask the Holy Spirit how to get onto the side of CALLED. You are CALLED and that is way more than you CAN do on your own.